Case Study by Mavryck
DCM Integrated Solution – Edmonton, Alberta. Integrated construction company which executes Maintenance & Shutdowns Fabrication & Modularization, Design/Build, Mechanical, Piping and E&I Projects.

Problem Statement
Manual project progress measurement and reporting led to errors, impacting invoicing and increasing overhead costs. Staff attrition resulted in loss of standardization and prior knowledge. Additionally, the client faced challenges optimizing resources and managing work fronts effectively.

Leveraging patented Text 2 Data Technology with NLP and LLM, a real-time progress tracker for all commodities was developed. This system extracted data directly from the site, providing Andon notifications and streamlining invoicing processes.
Resource Optimization & Work Fronts Planning:
Through AI-driven Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), a push planning system was created. This system presented QA/QC departments with actionable tests based on resource availability, skill sets, productivity, and readiness. Users could assign tasks and manage travel cards, with automation of NDE requests. The result was an end-to-end AI project management solution.


of a typical $50 M projects in the portfolio by reducing time, error and risk avoidance

Timely reporting to the owners